iShip Logo


Effective Date: June 30, 2024

Privacy is important to iShip, Inc., and its subsidiaries ("iShip"). This Privacy Notice applies to personal information of iShip customers and consumers who use our publicly accessible websites and online services. We refer to these individuals and entities below as "you."

This Privacy Notice does not control the use of information by shipping carriers (e.g., United Parcel Service, Inc. and others) (collectively, "Carrier(s)"), or the use of information by shipping service centers (e.g., The UPS Store, Inc.) or their designated affiliates, agents, or franchisors (collectively, "Shipping Service Center(s)"). Please review the privacy policies or notices of the applicable Carrier(s) and/or Shipping Service Center(s) to learn how they treat information they may collect or receive.

If you are a California resident, please also see the "Addendum for U.S. State-Specific Privacy Information and Rights" below, for further information on our collection and use of your personal information.

Information We Obtain

Additional Online Information Gathering

How We Use the Information We Gather

Information We Disclose

Your Options

Access and Correction

Use by Minors

How We Protect Personal Information

Updates to Our Privacy Notice

How to Contact Us

Addendum to Privacy Notice for Canada

Addendum to Privacy Notice for Nevada Residents

Addendum for U.S. State-Specific Privacy Information and Rights

1. Information We Obtain

We gather information through activities related to iShip's shipping services and enterprise solutions ("iShip Shipping") on our publicly accessible website and online services such as (a) iShip Shipping and account setup, installation and/or configuration, (b) your management of your account(s) with iShip, (c) tracking and delivery of shipments, (d) communications with you about iShip Shipping, (e) events in which you participate, and (f) surveys, promotions and other offers.

We may gather the following types of information (some jurisdictions restrict the collection of certain information, in which case such information will not be collected or retained in that jurisdiction):

If you disclose any personal information relating to other people to us or to our service providers in connection with our websites or online services, you represent that you have the authority to do so and to permit us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

2. Additional Online Information Gathering

When you visit our websites or use our online services we may collect certain information through automatic means, such as logging. This may include information such as your IP address, type of browser and operating system used, information regarding your internet service provider or the type of device you used to access our websites, date and time of such access, pages you visit, and other sites you may visit that link to or from our websites. We may also derive your approximate location from your IP address.

We may also collect information through the use of cookies, clear gifs, device identifiers, or other identifiers or technologies, including as those technologies may evolve over time (collectively, "Data Technologies"). We may use Data Technologies to identify and track your visits and use of our websites, to customize your experience on our websites or online services, to "remember" your passwords, and for storing information or settings. We also use Data Technologies to save preferences and session data entered by you while using iShip Shipping services, access information of registered users at login, to improve the iShip Shipping services and for other internal business purposes.

We may use Flash LSOs and other technologies to, among other things, collect and store information about your use of our websites and online services. If you do not want Flash LSOs stored on your computer, you can adjust the settings of your Flash player to block Flash LSO storage using the tools contained in the Website Storage Settings Panel. You can also go to the Global Storage Settings Panel and follow the instructions (which may explain, for example, how to delete existing Flash LSOs (referred to as "information"), how to prevent Flash LSOs from being placed on your computer without your being asked, and how to block Flash LSOs that are not being delivered by the operator of the page you are on at the time). Please note that setting the Flash Player to restrict or limit acceptance of Flash LSOs may reduce or impede the functionality of some Flash applications.

We may allow third parties to include Data Technologies on our websites, or collect personal information about our visitors' activities over time and across websites, services, or online applications, including those that are not operated by us. Information collected by Data Technologies may be used on our websites or on other websites, services, or online applications, including those that are not operated by us. To learn more about third parties' information practices, please refer to those third parties' privacy policies or notices.

We may link certain data elements we have collected through automated means, such as your browser information, with other information we have gathered about you. For example, linking such as this potentially enables us to identify whether you have opened an email we sent to you. iShip may also combine information gathered from cookies or log files with other information in order to provide and improve iShip Shipping services, to enhance our ability to communicate with our customers about additional services they may find of value and for other internal business purposes. We also may use analytics tools that collect information about visitor traffic on our websites.

You may be able to modify your browser's or device's setting to decline certain Data Technologies, such as cookies, if you prefer. However, some features or functions of our websites may not function properly if you do so.

For your convenience and information, we may provide links to websites, apps, places and services that may be operated by companies other than iShip. The inclusion of a link does not imply endorsement of the linked site or service by us or by our affiliates. These companies may have their own privacy policies or notices, which we strongly suggest you review. Our services also may be made available to you through third-party platforms (such as providers of app stores) or through other third-party channels.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any non-iShip websites, places or services.

3. How We Use the Information We Gather

We may use each category of the information we gather to:

We may supplement data we collect through automated means with information about your location (such as your ZIP or postal code) to provide you with content that may be of interest to you. We also use this information to help diagnose technical and service problems, administer our websites, identify users of our websites, and gather demographic information about our users. Our websites and online services are not designed to respond to "do not track" requests from browsers.

We also may use the information we gather about you in other ways for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection (where permitted). In addition, iShip may use your information with your consent or as approved by you from time to time.

We may process your personal information for profiling in furtherance of "decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects" as such term is defined under applicable law.

4. Information We Disclose

iShip shares information with Carriers and Shipping Service Centers in connection with providing the services you request. Shipping information may be shared with shippers, consignees, recipients, and third party payors. In some cases, information may be shared with businesses whose customer has received or is shipping a package. This Privacy Notice does not control how such recipients, consignees, third party payors, businesses, Carriers and/or Shipping Service Centers (collectively, "Potential Recipients") use the information they receive. You should consult the privacy policies or notices of each such Potential Recipient to learn more about how they handle the information they receive.

In addition, iShip may employ service providers, partners, or affiliates to perform functions on its behalf, and these services may involve processing personal information. For example, these service providers, partners, and affiliates may be authorized to collect, use, or disclose personal information in order to:

We also may disclose information about you (i) if we are required to do so by law, regulation or legal process (such as a court order or subpoena), (ii) in response to requests by government agencies, such as law enforcement authorities, or (iii) when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal or fraudulent activity, or (iv) as otherwise permitted by applicable law. We reserve the right to transfer any information we have about you if we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets (including in the event of a reorganization, dissolution or liquidation).

This Privacy Notice does not apply to anonymized or aggregated data that does not reveal an individual's specific identity or does not directly relate to an identifiable individual. iShip may use and share such anonymized or aggregated data for any purpose.

5. Your Options

We offer you certain choices about how we communicate with you and what information we collect from you. You may choose not to receive marketing email communications from us by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our marketing emails. Visit the privacy policies of the applicable Shipping Service Centers and Carriers to learn about their marketing practices.

6. Access and Correction

Registered users of iShip Shipping with administrative privileges to their iShip account can review, modify, or delete certain information previously provided by editing their account profile. This information may include but is not limited to account information (which allows you to update your contact information and iShip marketing preferences), password, Carrier designation (which allows you to change your selected and/or preferred Carriers), applications (which allows you to choose whether to view certain advanced shipping options) and payment information. It may also include address book information. If you have questions or problems concerning your account, contact your Shipping Service Center or your company's designated support contact, who may contact iShip if necessary.

7. Use by Minors

Our websites and online services are not directed to individuals under the age of thirteen (13) and we do not knowingly collect personal information from individuals under 13.

8. How We Protect Personal Information

We seek to use reasonable administrative, technical and physical safeguards designed to protect personal information within our organization. We do not maintain security for Shipping Service Centers or Carriers. You should know that information that is located on the outside of a package or letter may be visible to others. In addition, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure, please immediately notify us in accordance with the "How To Contact Us" section below.

9. Updates to Our Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice may be updated periodically. Any such revisions will be noted here and any changes will become effective when we post the revised Privacy Notice. The "Effective Date" legend at the top of the notice indicates when it was most recently updated. We will notify you of any significant changes to our Privacy Notice as required under applicable law.

10. How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Notice, or if you would like us to update information we have about you or your preferences, please contact us by email at You also may write to us at

General Manager
iShip, Inc.
3545 Factoria Blvd SE #100
Bellevue WA 98006

11. Addendum to Privacy Notice for Canada

iShip may establish and maintain a file of your personal information for the purposes described above, which will be accessible at 3545 Factoria Blvd SE #100, Bellevue, WA 98006, USA. Authorized employees, agents and mandataries of iShip who require access to your personal information to fulfil their job requirements will have access to your personal information. If you wish to request access or correction of your personal information in our custody or control, you may write to:

Attention: General Manager
iShip, Inc.
3545 Factoria Blvd SE #100
Bellevue WA 98006

Your right to access or correct your personal information is subject to applicable legal restrictions. We may take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections. If you wish to make inquiries or complaints or have other concerns about our personal information practices, you may write to us at General Manager as described above, e-mail us at or telephone us at 877.994.7447

We may transfer the information we gather to countries other than the country in which the information originally was collected. Your personal information may be stored in the United States. In addition, your personal information may be transferred to and stored in any country where you choose to ship a package. Those countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. Personal information maintained and processed by our service providers in the United States and other foreign jurisdictions may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a lawful access request by United States or foreign courts or government authorities.

12. Addendum to Privacy Notice for Nevada Residents

We do not sell Covered Information as defined under Nevada law. If you would like to make any inquiry regarding the sale of your Covered Information, please contact

13. Addendum for U.S. State-Specific Privacy Information and Rights

This section supplements the Privacy Notice and provides additional details regarding our collection, use, and disclosure of personal information about residents of U.S. states that have enacted comprehensive consumer data privacy laws.

Collection, Disclosure, and Sharing of Personal Information

The following chart details the categories of personal information we plan to collect, as well as the categories of personal information we have collected and disclosed for our operational business purposes in the preceding 12 months. The chart also details the categories of personal information that we "share" for purposes of cross-context behavioral or targeted advertising, including within the preceding 12 months. We collect this personal information from you and your device, as well as from publicly available online databases.

Categories of Personal Information Disclosed to Which Categories of Third Parties for Operational Business Purposes Shared with Which Categories of Third Parties for Cross-Context Behavioral or Targeted Advertising
Identifiers, such as name, address, and IP address Our affiliates, service providers, Carriers and Shipping Service Centers N/A
Personal information, as defined in the California customer records law, such as contact information and financial information Our affiliates, service providers, Carriers and Shipping Service Centers N/A
Commercial information, such as shipping information and shipping history Our affiliates, service providers, Carriers and Shipping Service Centers N/A
Internet or network activity information, such as browsing history and interactions with our website Our affiliates and service providers N/A
Geolocation data, such as approximate location derived from IP addresses Our affiliates, service providers, Carriers and Shipping Service Centers N/A
Audio, electronic, visual and similar information Our affiliates and service providers N/A
Sensitive and Personal Information:
  • Personal information that reveals an individual's social security, driver's license, state identification card, or passport number; and account log-in, financial account, and payment card information with required security or access code, password, or credentials.
Our affiliates and Carriers N/A

We do not sell or share, and have not "sold" or "shared", personal information, including sensitive personal information, within the preceding 12 months, for monetary or other valuable consideration, cross-context behavioral advertising, or targeted advertising. Without limiting the foregoing, we do not sell or share the personal information, including the sensitive personal information, of minors we know to be under age 16.

Purposes for the Collection and Use of Sensitive Personal Information

Subject to your consent where required by applicable law, we only use sensitive personal information for purposes of providing goods or services as requested by you, ensuring security and integrity, short term transient use such as displaying first party, non-personalized advertising, order processing and fulfillment, servicing accounts, providing customer service, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, and activities relating to quality and safety control or product improvement.

Retention Period

We retain personal information for as long as needed or permitted in light of the purpose(s) for which it was collected. The criteria used to determine our retention periods include:
Rights and Requests
Subject to applicable law, you may make the following requests:

1. You may request to know whether we process your personal information, and to access such personal information.
a. If you are a California resident, you may request that we disclose to you the following information:
i. The categories of personal information we collected about you and the categories of sources from which we collected such personal information;
ii. The business or commercial purpose for collecting or sharing personal information about you;
iii. The categories of personal information about you that we shared (as defined under the applicable privacy law) and the categories of third parties to whom we shared such personal information; and
iv. The categories of personal information about you that we otherwise disclosed, and the categories of third parties to whom we disclosed personal information.
2. You may request to correct inaccuracies in your personal information.
3. You may request to have your personal information deleted.
4. You may request to receive a copy of your personal information, including specific pieces of personal information, including, where applicable, to obtain a copy of the personal information you provided to us in a portable format.

To make a request for access, disclosures, correction or deletion, please contact us at or 1-888-912-9055. If you represent an iShip corporate client and would like to make a request related to one of your customers or other end users, please use the form provided at

We will verify and respond to your request consistent with applicable law, taking into account the type and sensitivity of the personal information subject to the request. We may need to request additional personal information from you in order to verify your identity and protect against fraudulent requests. If you make a deletion request, we may ask you to confirm your request before we delete your personal information.

We do not respond to signals from your device indicating your preference to opt out of "sales" or "sharing" of personal information for monetary or other valuable consideration, cross-context behavioral advertising, or targeted advertising, because we do not engage in such processing.

You can learn more generally about how to set up and use an opt-out preference signal by visiting the California Attorney General's "California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)" page or the California Privacy Protection Agency's "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)" page.

You have the right to be free from unlawful discrimination for exercising your rights under applicable law.

In addition, to the extent required by applicable law, California residents may ask us to provide them with (i) a list of certain categories of personal information that we have disclosed to third parties for their direct marketing purposes during the immediately preceding calendar year, and (ii) the identity of those third parties. To make this request, California residents may contact us as specified in the "How to Contact Us" section above.

Appeal Process

Subject to applicable law, if we refuse to take action on your request, you may have the right to appeal our refusal within a reasonable period after you have received notice of the refusal. You may file an appeal by contacting us via or 1-888-912-9055.

Authorized Agents

If an agent would like to make a request on your behalf as permitted under applicable law, the agent may use the submission methods noted in the section entitled "Rights and Requests." As part of our verification process, we may request that the agent provide, as applicable, proof concerning his or her status as an authorized agent. In addition, we may require that you verify your identity as described in the section entitled "Rights and Requests" or confirm that you provided the agent permission to submit the request.

De-Identified Information

Where we maintain or use de-identified information, we will continue to maintain and use the de-identified information only in a de-identified fashion and will not attempt to re-identify the information.

Metrics regarding Privacy Requests

Please see the chart below for metrics relating to our handling of California rights requests in the period from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023.

Type of Request Number of Requests Received Number of Requests Complied With (in whole or in part) Number of Requests Denied Mean Days to Substantive Response
Requests to Know  0  N/A  N/A  N/A
Requests to Delete  0  N/A  N/A  N/A
Requests to Correct  0  N/A  N/A  N/A